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Structural Characteristics

CyberPi series products are design with special appearances, such as holes, through-holes, pins, and tapped holes, which enable them to be extended with other parts or components.

Appearance design Description
CyberPi Holes on the back, used to:

  • connect to extension boards
  • connect to Lego blocks or Makeblock M4 metal parts through pins
Pocket Shield Pins on the front, used to connect to CyberPi
Holes and a tapped hole on the back.

  • The holes are used to connect to Lego blocks or Makeblock M4 metal parts through pins.
  • The tapped hole is used to connect to Makeblock M4 metal parts through screws.
mBuild modules Through-holes, used to connect to Makeblock M4 metal parts through pins or screws or Lego blocks through pins

The following provides some common connection examples:

Example 1: CyberPi + one beam + two pins

Example 2: CyberPi + one cut board + two pins

Example 3: Pocket Shield + one T-shaped plate + one M4 x 14 screw

Example 4: CyberPi + Pocket Shield + one T-shaped plate + two beams + five screws

For more information about Makeblock metal parts, see Mechanical Parts on Maker’s Platform.