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Upload Mode

Upload Mode

The default programming mode with Codey is “Upload ” mode. Once Codey is connected to mBlock 5, the  mode switch is on “Upload” side, as shown below:

Under “Upload ” mode, programming has following features:

  1. All programmes need to be uploaded to Codey to run. When you finish programming, click “Upload” to upload the programme.
  2. The uploaded programme can run offline (disconnected from mBlock 5).
  3. When powered off and on again, Codey will still run the programme that is uploaded last time before it is powered off.
  4. Under “Upload mode”, you are not able to combine Scratch stage programming with Codey. (Toggle off “Upload mode” if you want to use Scratch stage programming.)
    Hence, several blocks from the Events category are unavailable. These specific blocks are: when green flag clicked, when () key pressed, and broadcast () and wait.


Messages generated by the Events block work within one single project, and under “Upload” mode, Codey Rocky can only send messages to itself.